Legal Support Services
Procurement Office | FAA - FAA National Headquarters |
Procurement Category | Legal Services |
Contract Awarded | No |
Estimated Value | $10 million to $20 million |
Competition Type | Full and Open |
RFP Quarter | 1st QTR |
Fiscal Year | |
NAICS | 541 199 |
Sequence Number | AGC-004 |
Description | Provide service, support, and assistance to fulfill FAA's legal and related responsibilities to advance the organization's mission. The FAA requires these capabilities in order to support its mission, lines of business, staff offices, prioritize services, select high-value opportunities to enhance services, and effectively and efficiently operate the organization's legal resources. The FAA anticipates that the services will primarily be used to support client requirements for complex litigation, litigation training, and related litigation support requirements. |
Current Status | Contract Documentation Preparation |
Incumbent/Contract Number | DTFAWA-17-C-00021 |
Contact Name | VINCENT DERIGHT | | |
Phone | 202.341.7004 |
Is this a follow-on to a current 8(a) contract? | No |