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Transportation Insecurity

Image of a woman holding a sign that says fix our bridge with a bridge behind her.

Transportation Insecurity is a key component of transportation disadvantage. It occurs when people are unable to get to where they need to go to meet the needs of their daily life regularly, reliably, and safely. Nationally, there are well-established policies and programs that aim to address food insecurity and housing insecurity, but not transportation insecurity. DOT is working to change that as a growing body of research indicates that transportation insecurity is a significant factor in persistent poverty. Through the Justice40 initiative and the ETC Explorer, USDOT is providing MPOs, State DOT’s and local decision makers tools to help select projects that meet the transportation needs of areas that are transportation insecure, which in turn will help strengthen communities and create more equitable opportunities to improve daily life.

The Transportation Insecurity Analysis Tool is part of the ETC Explorer and displays selected transportation insecurity data at the state or national level. 

Image of a flustered man on a road seated in front of a car that is broken down with its hood up.


Image of a broken road.


Questions or comments on USDOT's Justice40 work please email:

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