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Equity Actions

Image of three people seated on a stage with the American flag and U.S. DOT flag behind them

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has committed to the following actions as part of our Equity Action Plan. These represent a snapshot of some of the actions the Department is taking to advance equity. Visit our Equity Updates page for an overview of recent accomplishments.


Focus Area Action Date
Wealth Creation Promote environmental justice “do no harm” policy and capacity building framework through DOT funding programs and technical assistance.  December 2023
Wealth Creation Promote best practices, case studies, and other resources to diversify the transportation sector construction workforce.  December 2023
Wealth Creation Strengthen partnerships with historically Black  colleges and universities (HBCUs) and MSIs through the Pathways to Entrepreneurship and Women in Transportation Internship to prepare for specific industries such as trucking. September 2024 
Wealth Creation Finalize and implement the DBE/ACDBE final rule and support funding recipients with implementation through strategic communications and targeted technical assistance support.  Ongoing
Wealth Creation Expand DOT's Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) programming and resources focused on federally assisted contracts, including a focus on access to capital and development of internal and external tools. September 2025
Power of Community Establish Department-wide monitoring of recipient compliance with Title VI and meaningful public participation obligations.  December 2023
Power of Community Collect Title VI and Community Participation Plans (CPPs) from all major  airports.  December 2023
Power of Community Update DOT EJ Order and tools to support strengthening public involvement and EJ community protection. February 2024
Power of Community Release Guide on Equity Screening in the Transportation Planning Process, with accompanying training and support for digitizing S/TIPs June 2024
Power of Community Implement at least three public engagement workshops to promote practices for effective and equitable public engagement in the transportation process  September 2024
Power of Community Promote resources available for meaningful public involvement including long-term public community engagement and partnerships  Ongoing
Proactive Intervention, Planning, and Capacity Building Provide hands-on technical assistance and planning grants to enable disadvantaged and under-resourced communities to advance infrastructure projects that will help them thrive.  Ongoing
Proactive Intervention, Planning, and Capacity Building Provide technical assistance for grantees and potential grantees under the Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program through the Reconnecting Communities Institute (RCI).  October 2023 
Proactive Intervention, Planning, and Capacity Building Publish a Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) tool for grant applicants to use when applying for DOT grant opportunities with a BCA requirement.  December 2023 
Proactive Intervention, Planning, and Capacity Building Conduct quarterly DOT Navigator webinars to share information on successful grant writing strategies and spotlight new resources to assist those considering applying for grants.  Ongoing 
Proactive Intervention, Planning, and Capacity Building Develop a methodology to calculate the distribution of burdens (in addition to benefits) for Justice40 covered programs.  September 2024 
Proactive Intervention, Planning, and Capacity Building Reduce burdens for low-capacity communities through streamlined grant application processes and match flexibility.  Ongoing 
Proactive Intervention, Planning, and Capacity Building Develop a resource to track funding investment and technical assistance in rural communities.  December 2025 
Expanding Access Promote safety strategies targeted to reducing gender disparities in the transit space, including launching a study on the travel needs of women on public transit.  April 2024 
Expanding Access Complete DOT-led rulemakings on Public Rights-of-Way, Equitable Access to Transit Facilities, and Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities—Adoption of Accessibility Standards for Buses and Vans.   July 2024 
Expanding Access Improve understanding of pedestrian and transit access, system quality, and performance to better support State DOT progress eliminating legacy inaccessible infrastructure.   September 2024 
Expanding Access Expand upon the current research and understanding of individual and household transportation cost, travel time, trips not taken, accessibility, and access to key resources across demographics.  September 2024 
Expanding Access Empower transportation professionals to eliminate disparities in roadway fatalities and serious injuries by building knowledge and capacity for the equitable implementation of a Safe System Approach.   September 2024 
Expanding Access Update the DOT ETC Explorer tool, including system condition and access data, to help States and communities advance projects that benefit underserved communities.  September 2024 
Expanding Access Complete research to investigate the feasibility of enabling passengers to stay in their personal wheelchairs while travelling on commercial aircraft.  December 2025 
Expanding Access Launch enhanced transportation insecurity measure as part of a transportation disadvantage index.  December 2027 
Institutionalizing Equity Launch internal community of practice to drive adoption of meaningful public involvement practices across the DOT workforce.  October 2023 
Institutionalizing Equity Kick off annual Equity Action Plan update process in consultation with the public.  March 2024 
Institutionalizing Equity Receive public recommendations from the Advisory Committee on  Transportation Equity (ACTE) on the Department’s equity work.   June 2024 
Institutionalizing Equity Ensure DOT supervisory and executive employees are meaningfully trained on equity and civil rights.  July 2024 
Institutionalizing Equity Host Town Halls across the country to engage geographically diverse members of the public on priority transportation topics and policies.   September 2024 

Have an idea to help advance transportation equity? Want to partner on one of these actions? Email us at to share your thoughts.

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