Indicator Profiles
Transportation and Health Tool reports 14 indicators at the state level, the metropolitan area level, and/or the urbanized area level. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and US Department of Transportation worked together, with input from an expert panel, to carefully select the indicators for use in this tool. Read more about the process used to select the indicators.
Select an indicator below for a description of the indicator, how the indicator is connected to transportation and public health, and the data and analysis used to develop the indicator.
- Alcohol-Impaired Fatalities (state and metro area level)
- Commute Mode Shares (state and metro area level)
- Complete Streets Policies (state and metro area level)
- Housing and Transportation Affordability (metro area level only
- Land Use Mix (metro area level only)
- Person Miles Traveled by Mode (state level only)
- Physical Activity from Transportation (state level only)
- Proximity to Major Roadways (state and metro area level)
- Public Transportation Trips per Capita (state and urbanized area level)
- Road Traffic Fatalities by Mode (state and metro area level)
- Road Traffic Fatalities Exposure Rate (state and metro area level)
- Seat Belt Use (state level only)
- Use of Federal Funds for Bicycle and Pedestrian Efforts (state level only)
- Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) per Capita (state and urbanized area level)