Request for Information on Transportation Data and Assessment Methods
2023 Request for Information: Equity Action Plan Update
The 2023 update of the DOT Equity Action Plan (EAP) took place between June and September 2023. This webpage summarizes the themes heard through the public engagement activities including how those themes were incorporated or informed the development of the plan. Public engagement efforts were focused on the original four Equity Action Plan focus areas: Wealth Creation, Expanding Access, Power of Community, and Proactive Intervention, Planning and Capacity Building. A variety of strategies were used to engage the public on the EAP development process including a Request for Information (RFI) and both in-person and virtual public dialogues in addition to ongoing stakeholder engagement across DOT programs.
The 2023 Equity Action Plan Update RFI was published in the Federal Register on June 5, 2023, with the goal of soliciting public comments on DOT’s update of the Equity Action Plan. The public comment period was open until June 30, 2023. The RFI asked for public comment on four questions related to equity performance metrics, data sets, tools, research, and examples of impacts and partnerships. DOT received a total of 69 comments from organizations, government agencies, companies, and individuals across the country. DOT distributed communications about the RFI to stakeholders and the public via the website, email lists, newsletters, and social media.
RFI Themes
All comments submitted to DOT through the RFI were reviewed by project staff, catalogued, summarized, and used to identify specific considerations and repeated themes. Input from the RFI was distributed to the internal EAP Action Team and DOT program managers working on related activities for consideration in their work. It was also used to inform the 2023 update of the EAP. The full list of comments received through the RFI are available publicly at this link. Please see the table below for an overview of themes from the RFI and how those themes were incorporated into the Equity Action Plan or relate to recent DOT actions.
Themes heard through the RFI: |
How themes are incorporated into the EAP and DOT’s work: |
Several comments highlighted the importance of offering technical assistance and capacity building to underserved communities and first-time federal award applicants. Technical assistance is needed to navigate the application process and in the post-award period. |
DOT highlighted capacity building programs -- including Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success (ROUTES), OSDBU’s Master Capacity Building Series, and Discretionary Grant Application Trainings -- in the 2023 update of the EAP. |
Multiple commenters supported the Equity Action Plan goal of 5% increase for first time grant recipients and state DOT and the top 100 MPOs to adopt a Quantitative Equity Screen Component to Their S/TIP Development Processes by 2030. |
DOT included a metric about all State DOTs and Top 100 MPOs adopting a quantitative equity screening component as part of their S/TIP development. Another new metric in the 2023 update of the EAP is to increase the number of new projects in disadvantaged communities utilizing formula funds from Justice40 covered programs. |
Several commenters spoke about the importance of the Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) programs and offered suggestions to maximize their impact. |
DOT will finalize and implement the DBE/Airport Concession DBE (ACDBE) final rule and support funding recipients with implementation through strategic communications and targeted technical assistance support. This rule will modernize the program regulations to help level the playing field for small disadvantaged businesses. |
Many comments indicated a desire for metrics to understand inequities and the impact of DOT interventions. |
Each Equity Action Plan focus area includes key metrics and evidence to support strategy sections to contextualize DOT’s efforts and quantify their impact. |
Many comments were related to suggested data sets or maps to incorporate into the ETC Explorer and other DOT tools/methodology. Commenters noted how disaggregating data helps identify the disadvantaged populations and community needs at a smaller scale to help advance equity at a local level. |
DOT continues to update the Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer tool to help States and communities’ advance projects that benefit underserved communities.
Commenters were interested in understanding the efforts at preventing (or correcting) displacement due to infrastructure projects. |
DOT will continue tracking the number of residential and non-residential displacements to ensure displacements, especially in communities with Environmental Justice (EJ) concerns, are reduced across all projects and that mitigation measures are in place to minimize impacts of relocation. The Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program, and the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN) Program are also highlighted in the 2023 update to the Equity Action Plan. |
Many comments were in support of developing a transportation cost burden measure. |
DOT began piloting a transportation cost burden measure, using existing data sources in the ETC Explorer, to prioritize transportation investments. DOT will work toward meeting the metrics of reducing the national transportation cost burden by 5%, including transportation travel cost as a percent of income, by FY 2030. |
In-Person and Virtual Public Dialogues
DOT held an in-person public dialogue at DOT Headquarters in Washington, D.C., on June 20, 2023 to provide information about the EAP and update process to attendees. The event, which was attended by 65 external attendees, was open to the public and included remarks from DOT leadership, a question and answer (Q&A) session, and an “open house” period wherein attendees had an opportunity to meet DOT staff who work across Operating Administrations (OAs) in the equity space. A virtual public dialogue was held on June 23, 2023, and followed a similar format to the in-person event. The virtual dialogue had 562 attendees from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. DOT structured the in-person and virtual public dialogues so that attendees had context to develop submissions to the RFI for formal input. You can view a recording of the virtual session at this link. Both the in-person and virtual dialogues helped participants better understand DOT’s equity work and respond to the RFI.
Public Dialogues' Themes
Although the events were not a mechanism for receiving formal input, the individual ideas heard during the events align with several aspects of the 2023 update to Equity Action Plan. The information in the table below highlights how the themes are reflected in the EAP, in addition to recent DOT activities related to the discussions at the public dialogues.
Themes heard through the public dialogues: |
How themes are reflected in the EAP and DOT’s work: |
Attendees expressed interest in understanding how DOT initiatives could connect to their local context. |
DOT tools like the ETC Explorer map aim to highlight local applications of equity initiatives and case studies that illustrate best practices for individual communities. |
During the in-person dialogue, attendees could engage in an exercise identifying KPIs that they individually found most important. The most commonly selected KPIs were within the Proactive Intervention, Planning, and Capacity Building pillar. The performance measure relating to implementing MPO/State DOT equity screening assessments was selected as the most helpful in advancing equity at the local level. |
Special emphasis on certain programs, policies, and initiatives was provided in the 2023 update of the Equity Action Plan via call out boxes and pillar sections. To support the State DOT/MPO metric to adopt a quantitative equity screening component to their S/TIP development processes, DOT plans to release a guide on Equity Screening in the Transportation Planning Process, with accompanying training and support for digitizing S/TIPs. |
A post-event survey found that most attendees found the event useful and would recommend it to a colleague. The most effective mode of communication was email updates, with 68% of attendees learning about the event via email. |
DOT posted the virtual public dialogue event recording and has continued to publicize Equity Action Plan information via email and on the website. |
The two most common suggestions for improvement were providing more context to the plan’s background and finding a way to respond to questions that were not answered at the event. |
DOT included additional context and background on the Equity Action Plan within the document and on the DOT Equity homepage. Questions related to the EAP can be submitted to at any time. |
Next Steps
The input received through the 2023 RFI and public dialogues has informed the 2023 update of EAP document that was finalized in Fall 2023. DOT is planning engagement opportunities for the next annual update of the EAP in 2024 and will continue to receive input from stakeholders anytime at
Request for Information on Transportation Data and Assessment Methods
Request for Information on Transportation Equity Data
On January 20, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order (EO) 13985, “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” Through the implementation of this Administration priority, the Department of Transportation (USDOT or Department) will undertake a comprehensive approach to advance racial equity for all, including individuals who have been historically underserved and adversely affected by persistent poverty or income inequality.
On May 25, 2021, USDOT announced a Request for Information (RFI) to receive input from the public on the data and assessment tools available to assess transportation equity. Equitable access to transportation is a civil right, and this RFI is one action that USDOT is taking in response to EO 13985.
The Department received over 300 comments from many individuals as well as the public and private sectors, including think tanks, not-for-profit institutions, advocacy organizations, trade organizations and academics. This Summary of Public Comments document aggregates and summarizes comments received in response to the RFI’s 25 questions, highlighting common themes and tools identified by respondents. It also illustrates how comments were categorized by commenter type.
The purpose of this document is to enable the Department and the public to understand the types of respondents and responses to the RFI and better digest the information received. The full text of all comments received are publicly available at and may be accessed directly for more details on the summary information shared in the summary document.
Tune in for Our Webinar
On June 25, from 2pm ET– 3pm ET, USDOT hosted a virtual public information session on Equity at USDOT. During this information session, you will hear from senior USDOT leaders about our equity agenda and Request for Information on Transportation Equity Data.
You can view the session recording and slides below
Transportation Equity at USDOT
- U.S. Department of Transportation Announces Request for Information on Transportation Data and Assessment Methods Press Release
- Federal Register - Request for Information on Transportation Equity Data
- How to comment on the docket instructions