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Transportation Equity in Emergencies

A Review of the Practices of State Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and Transit Agencies in 20 Metropolitan Areas.

The Federal Transit Administration's Office of Civil Rights commissioned this report in order to promote nondiscrimination in the emergency preparedness activities administered by recipients of FTA financial assistance. This report reviews the extent to which transit providers, metropolitan planning organizations, and state departments of transportation in selected metropolitan areas in the United States and Puerto Rico are identifying and addressing the needs of populations that may be especially vulnerable in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. This report also provides resources that should assist officials in these and other metropolitan regions to better incorporate attention to populations with specific mobility needs into their ongoing emergency preparedness planning activities.

This report can be found by clicking on this link.

Transportation Equity Research Program Research and Demonstration Projects

The Federal Transit Administration is administering research and demonstration projects to assist transit agencies, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and State Departments of Transportation address, in the course of planning and implementing emergency preparedness activities, the unique needs of minority, low-income, and LEP persons and households without vehicles.

More information on this program can be found by clicking on this link.